Do You Know The Truth About Your Metabolism?

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Last Updated: July 15, 2023
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The body requires energy for it to properly function. Some of the functions that require energy include digestion, air circulation, body tissue healing and hormone secretion among others. Food is the source of fuel for the body and hunger is the indicator that the body needs fuel.

Different foods contain different nutrients which when combined help the body grow healthy. Some of the nutrients include vitamins, proteins and carbohydrates among others. In order for the body to assimilate the nutrients, they need to undergo metabolism. Below is the truth about metabolism.

1. Skinny people equals fast metabolism

Skinny people are known to have an ectomorph body type. An ectomorph is a body type which is characterized by flat chest, thin limbs, small shoulders, lean muscle mass and a small delicate body frame.

Is it true that skinny people have high metabolism rate? The verdict is that not all of them have high metabolism rate. There are skinny people who have low metabolism rate and eat less food while there are heavy people who have high metabolism rates and eat heavily.

2. Calories are burnt more by lean tissue than fat

Calories are a measure of energy and are derived from fats, proteins and carbohydrates. The body needs calories to provide the necessary energy in order for it to achieve its various functions. Proteins and carbohydrates have been found to supply the body with 4 calories for each gram consumed. Fats which are energy dense provide 9 calories per every gram that is consumed.

For those who love to consume alcohol, it adds 7 calories for grams consumed but they are not required by the body.

Body organs such as the heart, liver and brain utilize more energy especially during rest. This has been found to be true after research. What holds true is that lean tissue burns more calories than fat does, that is each minute a calorie is burnt, a quarter is done so by muscles while 1/50th by fat.

3. People can slim only by reducing calories

Poor eating lifestyles contribute to obesity in many people around the world. Junk food such as French fries, pizza, burgers and snacks with high concentration of sugar prove to be tempting to many and those who fall weak to the temptation end up being obese. Obese people are prone to many diseases such as cardiovascular ailments, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure and stroke among others.

In order to avoid the above complications, health specialists recommend one to lose weight. There are several ways people can lose weight. The safest and the best include exercising through taking walks, swimming, cycling or jogging. Eating lots of fruits and vegetables makes the stomach full therefore they act as an appetite suppressor. Health specialists recommend drinking plenty of water each day. 6 to 8 glasses is the recommended regular intake and one can keep count by keeping a simple schedule.

Can someone lose weight by reducing calorie intake? The verdict is false. The reason is people eat more calories than they realize. Without recording what you eat from time to time, you will never keep count of how much calories you are consuming.

It is important to come up with a chart that outlines what you need to eat for the 3 important meals of the day that is breakfast, lunch and dinner. In order to have a healthy meal, you need to consider a balanced diet that is composed of whole grains, fruits and vegetables among others.

By following the chart and the best daily routine you will be on your way to losing weight and living a healthy life.

4. Lose a pound a week by cutting 500 calories each day

Losing weight is not an easy task as it is difficult to lose weight without even trying. One needs to be dedicated and disciplined in order to follow the laid down procedures. Is it true one can lose a pound in a week by cutting 500 calories each day? It’s not and here is why. One pound of fat is equal to 3, 500 calories which means you may lose all of it in a week but you may end up regaining it within the week.

By not eating, the body will lose its lean tissue which means your basal metabolic rate goes down. This is because calories store sugar which retains water. Excess consumption of sugar is known to cause weight gain. Therefore you may end up gaining extra pounds instead of losing it.

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